Einkorn flour

Einkorn flour
The OG of wheat, einkorn is the ancient of ancients, with evidence of wild einkorn dating back to tens of thousands of years, and the first domesticated form recorded around 7500 BC. Packed full of nutrients and especially high in protein, einkorn is known to be easier to digest, as the composition of glutenins and gliadins, which are what make up gluten, differs from modern wheats. And still, beautiful naturally leavened bread can be made with this flour. Grown in NY on certified organic acreage.
[Note: follow Southern Ground’s recipe for Desem Bread using einkorn in place of whole wheat, adjust to 800g of flour, autolyse for 30 minutes, stretch + fold every 30 minutes x 3, rest for 30 minutes and then put in a well oiled pullman (13” x 4”). Proof at room temp until read to bake — 450°F 60min +, or proof for 1-2 hours at room temp and place in fridge to bake following day. ].